When you build a WebGL project, Unity creates a folder with the following files: An index. En cachéUsted puede ver su reproductor WebGl directamente en la mayoría de exploradores al simplemente abrir el archivo index. The WebGL build option allows Unity to publish content as JavaScript programs which use HTMLtechnologies and the WebGL rendering API to run Unity .
We have made a lot of progress since we first . La opción de construcción WebGL le permite a Unity publicar contenido como programas JavaScript que utiliza tecnologías HTMLy el API de renderización . This page details the Player Settings specific to WebGL. A description of the general Player Settings can be found here. Unity WebGL supports all major desktop browsers to some degree. See the table below for an overview of browser features of interest to Unity WebGL content, . Here's how to get a WebGL game working from Unity3D.
Many Unity developers have taken the plunge and started exporting WebGL versions of their games. Unfortunately, many of them also run into .
This page will walk you through the steps on publishing your Unity WebGL game to Facebook Web.